Art and Craft Classes
Little children have a very creative mind which one often tends to overlook. We at Neo Dales understand this very well and our Art and Craft Classes stimulate their creative minds to bring out the best in them
To help us to stay focussed on our vision, we have implemented a number of unique teaching methods that this city has not experienced so far. Just to name a few:
First and foremost we create an atmosphere of fun….. A place where they can look forward to come. As Winston Churchill once said “I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught”. Nothing excites the child’s imagination like play. And this enhances their learning capability so that they will be achievers in life.
Second, we reckon that every human being craves for attention and children demand tons of it. Attention helps them to learn and grow. At Neo Dales we ensure that every child gets individual attention. Unique to our school reflected by the least number of students per teacher.
Read on for our co-curricular activities which make the children of this school extremely confident and zealous in life-
Little children have a very creative mind which one often tends to overlook. We at Neo Dales understand this very well and our Art and Craft Classes stimulate their creative minds to bring out the best in themArt and Craft Classes
Which is held every year during Diwali / Christmas time is a a very exciting event for children as they shop on their own with a fixed amount of money directed by the school thereby discipline themselves about the value of money at an early stage.Market Day
Are taken right from Pre Nursery to class 1 and ensure the overall development of the child as apart from academics this equally plays an important part in a child’s life. We would like to emphasize that a good command over English is followed religiously by allOratory Skills
Sports is an integral part in moulding the personality of the child, we at Neo Dales give due weightage to Sports and Physical Education. Our children take active part in sports from classes Pre Nursery itself.Sports Fanatics
Emphasis is laid on general form of dance and singing and it is seen that the little ones have a gala time doing these activities. It helps a great deal in audio visual and body movement.Dance & Singing Classes
Are organized every year and there is no doubt of the fact that Neo Dalians have loads of fun during these outings. It is an excellent learning experience for them.Educational / Nature trips (local)
Held normally in the month of December is awaited by one & all where skills & talents of our Neo Dalians are highlighted on stage with a lot of gaiety.Annual Function
are celebrated with enthusiasm so as to expose these precious gems of Neo Dales to lovely and colourful Indian tradition at an early age.Festivals and Important days
[Presentations for classes Pre Nursery to U.K.G. & Competitions for class 1] A common platform is set for them by organizing cultural activities and ensure participation of every child not by compulsion but by encouragement without the fear of winning and losing which is immaterial. It’s the zeal & spirit of participation and not the result that we inculcate in our children.Competitions & Presentations